The area seems to be inhabited since the Bronze Age, as testified by recent findings on the top of Montarice hill, dating back to the period known as the Apennine Middle Bronze Age , dated between the fourteenth and fifteenth century BC. In the same sites were found fragments of Attic pottery of the VI century BC, which would attest that the area was a trade zone; find of the same date were also discovered in the lower valley of the Potenza river and in the lower layers of Potentia. The site, therefore, before the Roman colonization, may have been inhabited by indigenous migrated peoples, as happened to the colonies of Ariminum and Pisaurum. The main activity of the period was the loading and unloading of boats directly to the castle (who transgressed was subject to very heavy fines), but the port was still nonexistent. At the beginning of the sixteenth century were presented the projects for the construction of the harbour (Porto Giulio) by the Maestro Giorgio Spaventa, engineer from Veneto. In 1510, Pope Julius II decided to finance the work. It is known that the work was repeatedly interrupted. In 1518, the territory was invaded by the Barbarian pirates, who entered the castle, forcing the population to increase the defenses and build a new tower (1575) to mark the southern border of Porto Recanati. The tower was then destroyed during the Second World War).
The old town center of Montecosaro, in the hills, maintains the typical appearance of early medieval castle with defense and sighting towers along the walls. The urban structure dating back to’ 600 is still recognizable. Its origins relate to the Piceni civilization, the first documents relating to the settlement date back 936 and witness the development of the urban centre around the parish church of St. Lawrence. Montecosaro was awarded in 1255 by Alexander IV with the title of Monte Fedele (faithful mountain), for its demonstrations of devotion to the Holy See. Montecosaro was the seat of the Praetor and the Court of Justice. The Goths destroyed the built-up area in a cruel massacre. “Il Cassero”, the highest point of the town, currently a urban park, hides in its nomenclature very different origins, history and nature than the current use: in fact, it was once an imposing fortress. From here, descending to the road towards the main square, we find the imposing and majestic CAM “Complex Augustinian Montecosaro”, the present town-hall palace. The medieval Monastery and the Church testify to the long history of Montecosaro. A beauty and a harmony that suggest the intervention of an eminent architect. Quality materials employed, the Cloister is divided into three tiers. The palace houses a Roman sarcophagus of the II – III century; in the church you can admire a marvellous “Callido”, organ of the end of eighteenth century and the “Holy Cross”, relic of Barbaric-Byzantine art. Accessing the square, we see the Collegiate Church which was founded in the mid-eighteenth century, from the ashes of the old church of St. Lawrence, then Santa Maria, where is stored the wooden crucifix, unique finding that may confirm the presence of the ancient church.
The first settlement in this area dates back to the I and II centuries AD, since were found in the lands of the town, some mosaics that embellished the floor of ancient Roman houses and also the remains of a memorial tower, typical of the Roman tradition at the time. The first mention of Morrovalle in a document dates back to 995, when the settlement was under the control of the powerful Bishop of Fermo. In 1053, from the Germanic territories, descended into Italy, Werner of the Lenzburg Family, who went to the aid of Pope Leo IX in the battle against the Normans. Werner (Italianized later with “Guarnerio”) took possession of the territories of the committee of Ancona, founding the dynasty that will dominate the Dukedom of Spoleto and the Marquis of Camerino. Guarnerio I, his descendant, conquered the territories of Morrovalle and became founder of the noble family of Lazzarini, lords of Morrovalle. The origins of the town predate the Middle Ages, when the village was called Murri de Valle (fortress on the valley). It suffered the Lombard invasion and later took the appearance of a castle perched on the hill.
One of the major pilgrimage destinations in the world, Loreto still preserves one of the most important relics of Christendom. LIKE A PRECIOUS PEARL The Sanctuary of Loreto is the majestic construction that in a three centuries period, thanks to the collaboration of a group of talented artists including Bramante and Sansovino, has sprung up to welcome the pilgrims in an enveloping hug. Such an impressive building has been realized to guard “like a precious pearl” the walls of the Holy House of Mary of Nazareth who, according to tradition, was miraculously transported by angels in flight to Loreto. Within this modest dwelling is also preserved the statue of the “Black Madonna” protector of aviators and the center of the Marian devotion. WALKING TOGETHER IN THE FAITH The precious relic kept in the shrine has turned this city into a place of pilgrimage that has its origin in ancient times; the first pilgrimage to Loreto dates back to 1319. Four million visitors per year are estimated, demonstrating how this place represents the heart of Christianity. The traces of this everlasting devotion are visible in the two grooves that the believers have dug walking on their knees along the entire marble pedestal surrounding the Santa Casa. ART TREASURES Loreto is also a city rich in culture and artistic works of great value. In the Apostolic Palace, we find a large art-gallery which exhibits works of admirable refinement, including masterpieces by Lorenzo Lotto and the Pomarancio. The characteristic city centre climbs to ancient streets, where are different shops and craft shops.